10 Tips For Giving Constructive Criticism
I don’t think anyone actually looks forward to criticism when they are on the receiving end. But we should to a certain extent. Giving constructive criticism helps us learn and grow. And on the flip side, the leader who looks forward to giving criticism makes me question their ability to lead. Because it really isn’t
- Published in Featured
10 Tips On Being An Expert Communicator
Talking with strangers… Speaking in public… It is an area that creates that “fingernails on a chalkboard” sensation in many people. And while a small percentage of people seem to have a natural ability to communicate with other humans, the largest percentage of us have to use special techniques
- Published in Business
15 Ways To Stay Focused On What Really Matters
Distractions are everywhere. Loud vehicles Smartphones Televisions A crying child Sirens The list goes on and on… Why is it some people seem to walk through life undeterred by these distractions while others are jumpy and allow themselves to lose focus? There can be many reasons, and we will not delve into that area in
- Published in Business
You Are The Master Of Your Destiny – 5 Tips
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare While there are some things in life that we have no control over… Nature Some illnesses Other people Etc… We do have control over many other things that can determine our destiny. If we choose to travel North, the odds of
- Published in Business
When The Going Gets Tough, Follow These 14 Tips
I have yet to meet an entrepreneur who hasn’t had some tough times. There are roadblocks, detours, negative influences and even failures. But, like the kid who falls off his bike and skins his knee, we must also get back on the entrepreneur seat and keep riding. You may meet people who try to tell you
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12 Tips To Get Out Of The Box
The proverbial box… It is that place humans go to that seems safe and in actuality, it is an imprisonment of their minds. “We have always done it this way.” “Why change something that is working?” “I might fail.” Yes, it is the box. The box that states we should work a 9 to 5
- Published in Business
10 Ways To Improve Your Business
As entrepreneurs, we are always looking for ways to improve our business. And while every business is different, there are some common traits we can use to improve or enliven our business systems, revenues and marketing methods. As the founder of various businesses bHip Vionic GNO Gara Group
- Published in Business
How to Support Your Company’s Employees
Everyone wants to be a great boss while still motivating their employees towards their goals and the goals of the business. Your company’s success will rely on the passion and talents of the people around you, especially if you are an entrepreneur.
- Published in Leadership
5 Ways Entrepreneurs Think Differently
If you want to be a successful entrepreneur you need to first change your mindset. The way that thought leaders and influencers think is broader than that of a 9-5 mentality. If you can shift your goals and learn these mentalities, entrepreneurship might be the right path for you.
- Published in Business
5 Habits to Become a Smarter Individual
#1: Question, Question Everything! Why? Because they say that the only stupid question is the one that isn’t asked; and this my friend, is 100% true. Asking the right questions will create a huge impact in both the short and long-term by fostering critical thinking skills
- Published in Leadership