Thank you to the DSWA for interviewing me on your podcast recently. I truly enjoyed sharing my experiences and insight about Organic Networker with you and your audience. You can listen to the podcast and read the full article from DSWA below: Kosta has been a friend and supporter of DSWA for over fifteen years.
As the upline to your team, you play a huge role in your team’s success. Can you motivate your MLM team? Are you committed? Are you persistent? Have you found success? These are questions your team is asking day by day, regardless of if they explicitly ask you or not. Thus you must realize that as
I was recently featured on MLM Nation’s podcast, where I discuss one of the biggest mistakes made by 6 figure earners. Learn how simplifying your system will be your key to increase duplication and getting massive results
As you may know, a huge part of network marketing is prospecting. You may be the most confident and outgoing entrepreneur but in the end, it all depends on what your prospect decides: ultimately, is he or she willing to join your organization? Like with any sales pitch or solicitation, prospects always have objections in the back
So you’ve learned how to overcome your fear of prospecting. You’ve reached out to numerous prospects and now it’s time to reflect. Did the initial meeting go well? Was your prospect interested? Then, what are the next steps? It’s called the follow up— and it can be considered more significant than prospecting itself.
Did you know 72% of all Internet users are now on social media? That say’s a lot. If you aren’t on social media yet, now is the perfect time to start. There are several social media platforms, however, the ones you should really create a presence on are: Facebook Twitter Linkedin Google+ Pinterest In general,