A comprehensive technology platform has to be in place before a company goes global, including:
Many promising entrepreneurs using the Organic Networker™ principles drown in the negative tsunami because they listen to the wrong people before they have an opportunity to succeed. It’s up to you to associate yourself with a tsunami of cheerleaders that will help and applaud you along the road to success.
Pick a point in the future, whether it’s six months from now or five years from now and spend a few hours writing out a concise description of where you want to be by that time. That sense of knowing what you want isn’t going to just come to you in a form of divine inspiration. You have to move toward it and create a story for yourself, backed up by clearly defined goals.
Surround yourself with images of your desired outcomes as already achieved in your mind’s eye. That’s why a vision board is such a simple, yet powerful tool.
Here is what you need:
Mediocre goals lead to mediocre results.
Cut out pictures and words that match your goals or represent results of your dreams coming true. Place your vision board where you’ll see it every day. Update it as goals shift or are accomplished. Don’t worry about how the goals will be accomplished. Let your vision board inspire you as you take action. Don’t forget to commit your goals to your mobile lock screen on all your devices.
Presenting your business card is a great way to share information about you and your company. Some folks fear looking pushy or think handing out a business card is tacky. Let me dispel this myth. Giving out your business card lets people know who you are. In many parts of the world, particularly Asia, handing out your business card is actually a formal part of the introduction process. Keep your business cards with you at all times. You never know when you’ll meet someone who can have a significant impact on your business!
For the next 30 days, pick one person in your life with whom you can commit to be more present. That doesn’t mean you have to spend more time with this person. When you’re with him or her, stop what you are doing, turn off all your devices, and look at the person with fresh eyes and an open heart. Ask more questions, then stop and listen. I have found that as you experience a deeper connection with someone, you will become thirsty for more connections. Soon, being completely involved becomes a natural habit.
Post a whiteboard listing the tasks that each person is responsible for on a daily basis. Even if the To-Dos repeat every day, the wall chart will keep everyone clear on who’s doing what. It can also help forecast when your spouse or partner might have an extra-heavy workload. Then you can take on some extra tasks to help out.
Single parents usually have to work twice as hard to accomplish what a couple can do. But I have also noticed a single-parent advantage in this profession. Kids in a single-parent household are usually more supportive of their mother or father, and if trained and guided well, they will contribute more to the family business than children in a traditional family.
Being a single parent networking using the Organic Networker™ principles, will require a lot of patience on the parent’s part, but the rewards can be bigger, beginning with the higher level of motivational energy than found in traditional households.
While you are building your team of network marketing distributors using Mr. K’s Rules, you can also make connections through multiviral marketing (MVM). This is done by carefully and strategically using social media sites, where you can reach and cater to a broader range of audiences around the world and from any device. MVM enables you to quickly and efficiently present your business or products to an audience that has been prescreened for what you offer. MVM on its own will never work in this face-to-face profession, but when it’s paired with MLM and Mr. K’s Rules, you’ve got an unstoppable force.
Here are some resources to help you build your three lists
Some prospects will become business friends faster than others. If a relationship isn’t moving along as quickly as you’d like, be patient – Organic Principle #7—Patience. Abandoning one prospect for another is like giving up after one date. What if it takes someone a few dates to know and trust you? Avoid pursuing a prospect with lofty expectations. This usually leads to disappointment. Accept each individual for who he or she is and remain judgment-free.
As an organic progression of the relationship, introduce your prospect to what you enjoy doing. Laugh and keep the environment relaxed. Enjoy connecting for what it is—meeting people, socializing and spend- ing time in the company of stimulating individuals.
In order to avoid any misunderstanding or inaccurate expectations, I always advise my distributors to follow these guidelines:
Reduce Costs: Your loyalty gets you free perks instead of paying for a product or service.
Loyalty program credit cards will charge high interest rates. The best balance to carry on these cards is a Zero balance. Pay off your credit card in full every month to avoid high interest charges that can accumulate quickly!
The Firefighter: Every event is a crisis. Tasks pile up around you, while you spend the day rushing from fire to fire.
The Over-Committer: Your answer to every request is, yes. You’re so busy that you don’t know what to do first. You are the one hiding in the restroom, overwhelmed by too many to-dos.
Mr. / Ms. Cool: You’re too laid-back to complete tasks or return calls. Getting to things when you can get around to them isn’t time manage- ment; it’s avoidance. You’re the one with your feet on your desk when you need to get busy!
The Motor Mouth: Born to socialize, you can’t resist exercising your verbal skills at every opportunity. Each interaction becomes a long, drawn-out conversation, especially if there’s an unpleasant, deadline-driven task on your calendar. You probably answered your cell phone while reading this chapter.
The Perfectionist: Exact is your middle name. Finishing tasks to your satisfaction is such a problem that you need more time zones, not just more time. You need to remember we are all perfectly imperfect!
The Procrastinator: You live by the mantra that anything worth doing is worth putting off. Hooked on drama or adrenaline, you’d rath- er rush to finish a task at the last minute. You know you have to stop procrastinating, but you’ll probably change this behavior—you guessed it—tomorrow.
Your appearance for meetings should abide by this list:
In this profession, your true ROI is what you believe you are worth. If you believe you’re worth $50 per hour, then perhaps you won’t need to wait a few years to see your ROI. It comes down to your expecta- tions. Since the majority of people marketing using the Organic Networker™ principles work part-time, if your expectation level is set correctly, you understand the long-term process, and you know what true ROI means, there’s a good chance that you will achieve your target ROI.
Please remember to set funds aside for your favorite charities and your income taxes according to your country’s tax laws. A great investment in itself is consulting with a knowledgeable accountant who has a full understanding of home-based businesses (check out SOHO.org) and the limitations to writing off charities and business expenses versus personal expenses.
Think about some of the ways you have judged other people in the past.
How would you want to be treated, if you were on the receiving end of your own thoughts and actions? Answer that question, and you’ll learn to check your ego at the door!
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